Well finally..it is final..this is the longest project so far and my advice is don't buy this unless you really want to..first of all it's made from EPS which is very fragile. Second it takes a lot of effort (which i believe not worth it) to make it stronger and setting up the retract wing and landing gear. This is my first and last EPS jet. Not going to buy any EPS jet anymore.
It look nice..but I had to fiberglassing EDF intake, rudder, elevator, part of wings..reinforcing the wing spar..heck this is taking more time than I anticipated..the retract landing gear..better go with air retract compared to the one that I purchased.. lot of effort making it to work.
Well not going to maiden it yet. Need to rest and admire her beauty..maybe she better be hangar queen rather a jigsaw puzzle.
Signing off..