The 15 size engine and heli design by someone close to thunder tiger owner..the design comes from TT I think..the price is very tempting..together with muffler, 15 Leo engine and kit cost only US$178.98.. refer to this website I've found..http://www.bunkyo-rc.com/product_info.php?products_id=277found the website but kinna incomplete...it's made in taiwan..http://www.leoengines.com/eng/introduction/AboutUs.asp . The best thing about this engine also can start without using glow and hex starter. The starter can be install directly to the heli and can start by just pulling the starter cable attach to the heli and it's good to go.
I migth be venturing back into nitro..hehehe..The design is simple and straight forward. At the end of this month I'll drop by at bunkyo to look at this heli much closer..hmm perhaps perhaps perhaps..